What once seemed like merely a dream for Las Vegas sports fans has now become a reality: the Raiders are packing up and leaving Oakland for Sin City. The official news came mere days ago, after a saga of hopeful, but inconclusive, news. To recap: in January of 2016, Raiders owner Mark Davis met with […]
The Art of the Las Vegas Hookup
Vegas is called Sin City for a reason. People come to Las Vegas to drink, party, gamble, and, of course, hook up. People from every age and gender flock to Sin City for the promise of boozy, consequence-free hookups. The chase and the mating grounds are different for everyone. Your Las Vegas hookup likely falls […]
CES Standouts and Las Vegas’s Startup Community
CES has become the stuff of Las Vegas legend, and, every January, attendees flock from all over the country to see what is new and cool in the world of tech. Every year, companies like Samsung, Honda, and HP unveil a new show-stopper. Lately, though, it is the startups that are getting everyone’s attention. Since […]
The Three Most Epic CES Parties of All Time
When one thinks of a tech party, visions of bespectacled clusters of programmers debating the pros and cons of iOS Sierra and discussing the rise of augmented reality, and the future of 3D printers may come to mind, but, at CES, techies show that they know how to party. In fact, they redefine partying, ushering […]
The Dream of an NFL Team Could Become a Reality for Las Vegas
For years, Las Vegas sports and Rebels basketball have been synonymous. That may be changing soon, thanks to the determination of Nevadans to bring a professional sports team to our state. Yes a Las Vegas NFL team may soon be a reality. Although many people in Las Vegas have longed for a professional sports team […]